ORS 轴承的CEO与管理者访问韩国联合国纪念公园

ORS 轴承的 CEO 与管理者访问了韩国联合国纪念公园并纪念了土耳其战中失去众多失去生命的亡魂。众多的土耳其士兵参战了韩战,为大韩民国的民主化做出了贡献。韩国和土耳其的兄弟情永垂不朽。
ORSKOREA 新闻 ORSKOREA 为帮助困难家庭渡过难关捐赠1800kg大米

ORSKOREA 为帮助困难家庭捐赠了1800kg大米。 ORSKOREA正认识到社会责任的重要性。我们将为需要帮助的人持续提供帮助,为更美好的明天出一份力。
ORSKOREA’S October 30, 2020 Company Workshop

On October 30, 2020, ORSKOREA’S employees participated in “ORSKOREA 2020
Workshop”. At this company outing event, ORSKOREA members hiked up Jeodo
Island. After the hike, ORSKOREA members played foot volleyball in teams with
winning teams getting prizes for their effort. The 2020 Workshop ended with an
outdoors barbecue with plenty of food. ORSKOREA believes that a healthy lifestyle
plays a role in a healthy working environment and performance. We wish everyone
their good health.
Community Service to support woman

ORSKOREA is committed in supporting and helping women in Korea and around the world. This week ORSKOREA made donation to support women who can use the help in these times of the Corona Pandemic. We donated women’s health products, books and various other items. We will always work with our communities towards a better tomorrow.