
연삭기 는 완벽한 제품을 제작하기 위해 수많은 과정을 거쳐야 하는 중요한 장비입니다.
오알에스코리아는 이러한 과정을 정확히 이해하고 있으며, 
연삭기 제작 중 매 단계마다 정밀검사를 통해 최고의 품질을 얻기 위해 전념하고 있습니다.
연삭기 는 완벽한 제품을 제작하기 위해 수많은 과정을 거쳐야 하는 중요한 장비입니다.
오알에스코리아는 이러한 과정을 정확히 이해하고 있으며, 
연삭기 제작 중 매 단계마다 정밀검사를 통해 최고의 품질을 얻기 위해 전념하고 있습니다.

SGDV 360

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


4.5 Ton




Part Description
Grinding Type IN-FEED
Machining Dia. Range Max 50
Machining Width Range Max 40
Grinding Wheel O.D 355(305) x 205 x 50T (CBN:3T)
Wheel Speed Max 1800rpm (INVERTER C.W/C.C.W)
Loading Swing Arm
Space between UP/Dn Wheel 100
Dresser Rotary Dresser
Outer Dimension 1500 x 1800 x 2500 H (mm)
Weight 4.5 Ton


Part Description
G.W Motor 7.5kw 4P * 2SETS
R/D Rotating 0.9kw Speed Variable
Index Carrier 1.0Kw A.C Servo
Work Drive 0.4kw A.C Servo * 2SETS
G. W Feed 0.4kw A.C Servo * 2SETS
Loading 0.5kw A.C Servo



Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range O.D PHI 10 to 80 (Bore)
Inner Ring ID 10 to 50
Machining Width Range 8 to 40
Loader Cassette Type
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
Oscillating Speed 150 to 1800 cpm
Spindle RPM Max 3,000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2,200 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1800 x 1000 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 2.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.4 kW AC Servo
Spindle Drive 0.75 kW 4P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor

SGDV 510

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


7.5 Ton




Part Description
Grinding Type Thru feed (Carrier)
Machining Dia. Range Max 60
Machining Width Range Max 15
Grinding Wheel O.D 510 x 205 x 50 T
Wheel Speed Max 1040 rpm (INVERTER C.W/C.C.W)
Loading Carrier (O.D 670)
Carrier Speed 4000 rpm
Space between L/R Wheel 70
Dresser Swing Arm type Point Dresser
Outer Dimension 1555 x 1625 x 2200 H (mm)
Weight 7.5 Ton



Part Description
G.W Motor 11kw 4P * 2SETS
Carrier 0.9kw Speed Variable
G. W Feed 1.0kw A.C Servo
Oil Pressure 0.4kw A.C Servo * 2SETS

SSF 85B (D)/150


Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.0 Ton

4.5 bar


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range 25 to 85 (Outer Race)
15 to 60 (Inner Race)
Machining Width Range 6 to 40 (over ID PHI 10)
Loader Index Type
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0~18° / 0~8 mm
Oscillating Speed 50 to 2,500 fpm
Spindle RPM Max 3,000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2,500 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1100 x 1200 x 2000 H (mm)
Weight 2.0 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.37kw 2P AC Motor (R 0.8KW SERVO)
Spindle Drive 2.2kw 2P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 3.7kw 4P AC Motor (BRAKE)

SGDV 585

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


8.5 Ton

60 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type Rotary Carrier
Machining Dia. Range Max 135
Machining Width Range Max 50
Grinding Wheel O.D 585 x 75 x 195
Wheel Speed 300 ~ 900 rpm
Carrier Size O.D 820
Carrier Speed 0 ~ 10 rpm (0 ~ 28.3m/min)
Space between UP/Dn Wheel 80
Dresser Swing Arm type Point Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 60 Liter
Outer Dimension 3500 x 2400 x 2990 H (mm)
Weight 8.5 Ton


Part Description
G.W Motor 22 kW 4P
Carrier Hydraulic Motor
G. W Feed 2.0 kW AC Servo
Hydraulic None

SSF 110


Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range 28 to 110 (Outer Ring)
17 to 90 (Inner Ring)
Machining Width Range Max 50
Loader CLAW Type 2 Direction Traverse
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 10° to 35°
Oscillating Speed 60 to 500 cpm
Spindle RPM 500 to 5000 rpm (Outer Race)
900 to 9000 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1800 x 1760 x 2200 H (mm)
Weight 3.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.4 kW AC Motor
Spindle Drive 0.75 kW 4P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor

SSF 120


Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.5 Ton

40 Liter


Part Description
Machining Type Osccilating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) / Pressure Roller & 2 Shoe
Machining Dia. Range 15 to 110
15 to 90
Machining Width Range 6 to 65 (Cover ID PHI 10)
Loader Cassette Type
Oscillating Unit Air Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5
Oscillating Speed 300 to 2,000 cpm
Spindle RPM Max 3000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2200 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1800 x 1000 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 2.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.4kw 4P AC Motor
Spindle Drive 1.5kw 4P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 1.5kw 4P AC Motor

SGDV 585i

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Grinding Type Rotary Carrier
Machining Dia. Range 30 to 100 PHI
Machining Width Range 15 to 50
Grinding Wheel O.D 585 x 75 x 195
Wheel Speed 300 to 1000 rpm
Carrier Size OD 840
Carrier Speed 0 ~ 10 rpm (0 ~ 28.3m/min)
Space between UP/Dn Wheel 80
Dresser Swing Arm type Point Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity None
Outer Dimension 2600 x 2200 x 3200 H (mm)
Weight 8.5 Ton



Part Description
G.W Motor 22 kW 4P AC Motor
Carrier 0.85 AC Servo
G. W Feed 2.0 kW AC Servo
Hydraulic None

SSF 150 (V)


Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


3.5 Ton

4.5 bar


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range 85 to 200 (Outer Race)
70 to 150 (Inner Race)
Machining Width Range 20 to 80
Loader CLAW Type 2 Direction Traverse
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0~18° / 0~8 mm
Oscillating Speed 60 to 500 spm
Spindle RPM Max 3,000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2,500 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 20 Liter
Outer Dimension 2000 x 2300 x 2100 H(mm)
Weight 3.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 1.5kw SERVO
Spindle Drive 1.5kw 2P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 1.5kw SERVO (Brake)

SGDV 760

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Grinding Type Rotary Carrier
Machining Dia. Range Max 150 PHI
Machining Width Range 15 to 50
Grinding Wheel O.D 750 x 75 x 300
Wheel Speed 300 to 700 rpm
Carrier Size 1020 PHI
Carrier Speed 0 ~ 10 rpm (0 ~ 28.3m/min)
Space between UP/Dn Wheel 80
Dresser Swing Arm type Point Dresser
Hydraulk TANK Capacity 40 Liters
Outer Dimension 3200 x 3500 x 4200 H (mm)
Weight 15 Tons



Part Description
G.W Motor 37 kW 4P AC Motor
Carrier 1.5 kW AC Servo
G. W Feed 2.0 kW AC Servo
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor

SGDH 585

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


7.5 Ton



Part Description
Grinding Type Thru Feed (or Rotary Carrier)
Machining Dia. Range Max 135
Machining Width Range Max 50
Grinding Wheel O.D 585*10*75W
Wheel Speed Max 900rpm
Carrier Size Max 1,050
Carrier Speed 0.5 – 3 rpm
Space between L/R Wheels 130
Dresser Swing Arm type Point Dresser
Outer Dimension 3000 * 2800 * 1750H
Weight 7.5 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
G.W Motor 22kw 4P
Carrier 0.75kw 4P
Dresser 0.1kw 4p (Speed Control)
G.W Feed 0.5kw A.C Servo

SLR 650 (500)


Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.5 Ton




Part Description
Machining Type Thru-feed fully automatic
Workpiece Mounting Support roll & feed roll
(phi 152 x 650L)
Machining Dia. Range 4.5 to 60
Machining Length Range Max 1000
Oscillation Air Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
Oscillating Speed 700 to 2,500 fpm
Stone Head Unit Air cylinder Pressurizing type 6~8sets
S/H Pressure 1.0 to 4.0 kgf/cm2
Tilting Angle ± 5°
Swivel Angle ± 2°
Up-Down Stroke 90 mm
Outer Dimension 1600 x 900 x 2100 H (mm)
Weight 2.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation 0.6kw 4P AC Motor
Roll Drive 3.7kw 4P AC Motor

SGDH 760

단연 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


12 Ton



Part Description
Grinding Type Rotary Carrier or Thru Feed
Machining Dia. Range Max 180
Machining Width Range Max 70
Grinding Wheel O.D 760 * 80 * 270
Wheel Speed Max 700rpm
Carrier Size Max 1,050
Carrier Speed 0.5 – 3 rpm
Space between L/R Wheels 130
Dresser Swing Arm type Point Dresser
Outer Dimension 3000 * 4000 * 1850H
Weight 12 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
G.W Motor 30KW 4P
Carrier 0.75kw 4P
Dresser 0.1kw 4p (Speed Control)
G.W Feed 1.0kw A.C Servo
G.W Cover 0.1kw 4p

SGI 40

내경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


5.5 Ton

40 Liter

* Option High Frequency Grinding Spindle. Etc


Part Description
Grinding Type NC oscillation or Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Two Roll & One Shoe (or Air Chuck)
Machining Dia. Range 8 to 40
Machining Width Range 5 to 40
Machining Bore Range 5 to 30
LOADER Flow Pusher Type
DRESS TYPE Up-down Type Rotary Dresser
W/H Rotating Angle ± 1˚
Spindle Height About FL 950
Work Spindle RPM 220 to 2,000 rpm
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1600 x 1400 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 3.0 Ton


Part Description
Cross Slide AC SERVO 1.5kw
G.W Table AC SERVO 1.5kw
W/H Drive 0.2kw * 4p
G.W H/F Spindle
Oil Lubrication 0.7kw (Willy-Vogel)

SGI 120

내경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity

2100(L) x 1900(B) x 1950(H)

3.8 Ton

40 Liter

* Option High Frequency Grinding Spindle. etc


Part Description
Grinding Type NC oscillation or Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe & Magnet Chucking
Machining Dia. Range 20 to 120
Machining Width Range 5 to 40
Machining Bore Range 12 to 100
LOADER Flow Type or Cassette Type
DRESS Type Up-down Type Point (rotary) Diamond Dresser
W/H Rotating Angle ± 1 ˚ /-2 to +30˚
Spindle Height About FL 1050
Work Spindle RPM 220 to 800 rpm/500 to 2,000 rpm (Two Speed)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 2100 x 1900 x 1950 H (mm)
Weight 3.8 Ton



Part Description
Cross Slide AC SERVO 1.5kw
G.W Table AC SERVO 1.5kw
Work Spindle 1.5kw 4P AC Motor
G.W (Belt Drive) 7.5kw 2P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5kw 4P AC Motor

SGI 150

내경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Grinding Type NC oscillation or Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe & Magnet Chucking
Machining Dia. Range 12 to 150
Machining Width Range 5 to 60
Machining Bore Range 5 to 30
LOADER Flow Pusher Type or Cassette Type
DRESS Type Up-down Rotary Dresser or Point Dresser
W/H Rotating Angle 0˚ to 30˚
Spindle Height About FL 1050
Work Spindle RPM 400 to 3,600 rpm
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 2000 x 1875 x 1650 H (mm)
Weight 4.0 Ton


Part Description
Cross Slide AC Servo 1.5 kW
G.W Table AC Servo 1.5 kW
W/H Drive 1.5 kW 4P AV Motor
Dresser Hydraulic Motor
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor

SGBT 100

기타 공작기계

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


6.5 Ton



Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Arc
Workpiece Mounting Hydraulic
Machining Dia. Range Max 80 (Min 50)
G/W (Speed) Max 200 Phi
H.F SPINDLE 8,000 rpm/17 kW x 2 SETS
Center Height Max 1,150
Index 6 HYD’Index (8 Servo)
Loading Gantry or Robot
DRESS Rotary Form Dresser (phi 125)
DRESS Speed Max 3,000 rpm
Work Slide Stroke 350 mm
G/W Slide Stroke 475 mm
Outer Dimension 2700 x 1900 x 2200 H (mm)
Weight 6.5 Ton


Part Description
Work Slide AC SERVO 2.4kw * 2 HEAD
G.W Table AC SERVO 2.4kw * 2 HEAD (Brake)
Loader AC SERVO 1.0kw * 2 HEAD
Dress Feed Installed By Work Slide
Dress Rotate 0.75kw 2P AC Motor
HYD 3.7kw 4P AC Motor
LUB 0.7kw Willy Vogel

SGCW 100

기타 공작기계

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


4.5 Ton



Part Description
Machining Type Plunge
Workpiece Mounting WIDTH CLAMP (PNEU’)
Machining Dia. Range PHI 43 ~ 100
Machining Length Range MAX 55
Work Slide Stroke 60
G/W Slide Stroke 70
Loading Gantry Type
Dress Rotary Dresser on the Work Spindle
Outer Dimension 2200 * 2100 * 1900H
Weight 4.5 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Work Slide AC SERVO 2.0kw
Work Spindle AC SERVO 1.5kw
G/W Spindle (R) AC SERVO 3.5kw
G.W Spindle (L) AC SERVO 0.5kw
Loading AC SERVO 0.5kw

SGRB 350 (250)

기타 공작기계

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.5 Ton

60 Liter


Part Description
Machining Type Pressing Upper Ring + Lower Ring
Idle carrier
Machining Dia. Range Max 25 (15)
Machining Length Range Max 40 (30)
R Range Max R350 (R230)
Speed Control Differential Drive Gear
Main Spindle 100 – 400 rpm
Lower Spindle 100 – 400 rpm
Outer Dimension 1200 * 1200 * 1800H
Weight 2.5 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity 60 Liter


Part Description
Main 11kw 6P AC Motor
Differential 4.0kw 4P Stepless
Hydraulic 1.5kw 4P AC Motor

SGS 1000

기타 공작기계

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


9.5 Ton



Part Description
Machining Type Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Center (BRG. Housing support)
Machining Dia. Range Max 350
Machining Length Range Max 950 (G/W Width : 50Case)
Distance between length Max 1,150
Machining og Pitch 0 to 360
Loading Manual
Dress 2-axis Point (rotary) Diamond Dresser
G/W Tilting ± 40°
Diameter of G/W O.D Φ500 I.D Φ203 (max50W)
Work spindle speed 0.2 to 100 rpm
Dress Feed Slide Stroke 80 mm
Outer Dimension 6000 * 3100 * 2000H
Weight 9.5 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Work Slide AC SERVO 2.0kw
G.W Table AC SERVO 1.5kw
Work Spindle AC SERVO 3.5kw
Dress Feed AC SERVO 0.5kw
Dress Traverse AC SERVO 0.5kw
G/W Tilting AC SERVO 0.5kw
G.W Drive 11kw 2P AC Motor

SLB 80(120)

CNC 자동 선반

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


3 Ton




Part Description
Machining Dia. Range Max 60 (90)
Machining Width Range Max 40
Center Height F.L 1,010 mm
Control PLC
Hydraulic Chuck Size 6″,8″,9″ (Collet or Mandrel)
Spindle Dia. 80 (120)
Slide #1, #2
Work Spindle Speed Max 2,000 rpm
Slide Size 250 W
Outer Dimension 1200 x 2200 x 1700 H (mm)
Weight 3 Ton



Part Description
W.H 7.5KW 8P
HYD 2.2KW 4P

SLB 80 (120) CNC

CNC 자동 선반

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


3 Ton



Part Description
Machining Dia. Range Max 60 (90)
Machining Width Range Max 40
Center Height F.L 1,010 mm
Control CNC (Mitsubishi, Fanuc)
Hydraulic Chuck Size 6″,8″,9″ (Collet or Mandrell)
Spindle Dia 80 (120)
Slide #1 or #2
Work Spindle Speed Max 2,000 rpm
Slide Size 300 W
Outer Dimension 1200 * 2200 * 1700H
Weight 3 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
W.H 11KW 6P
HYD 2.2KW 4P

SGC 200

무심 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


4.0 Ton

60 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type Centerless Through Feed or Infeed
Workpiece Mounting Workrest Support
Machining Dia. Range 2 to 120
Max. Machining Length Max 200 mm
LOADING Through Feeding or Infeed
DRESS Type Traverse Type Point Diamond Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 60 Liter
Outer Dimension 2000 x 1600 x 1600 H (mm)
Weight 4.0 Ton



Part Description
G.W Dresser (Traverse) AC Servo 0.4 kW
G.W Dresser (Feed) AC Servo 0.4 kW
G/W Drive 15 kW 4P AC Motor
R/W Drive 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor
R/W Table AC Servo 2.0 kW


Part Description
Dia. 510mm
Width 255mm
Bore 304.8mm


Part Description
Dia 305mm
Width 255mm
Bore 177.8mm

SGC 300

무심 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


5.5 Ton

60 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type Centerless Through Feed or Infeed
Workpiece Mounting Workrest Support
Machining Dia. Range 4 to 120
Max. Machining Length Max. 300 mm
LOADING Through Feeding or Infeed
DRESS Type Traverse Type Point Diamond Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 60 Liter
Outer Dimension 2500 x 2000 x 1700 H (mm)
Weight 5.5 Ton



Part Description
G.W Dresser (Traverse) AC Servo 0.75 kW
G.W Dresser (Feed) AC Servo 0.75 kW
G.W Drive 22 kW 4P AC Motor
R.W Drive 2.2 kW 4P (Gear Reducer Type)
R.W Table AC Servo 3.5 kW
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor


Part Description
Dia. 610mm
Width 305mm
Bore 304.8mm


Part Description
Dia. 330mm
Width 305mm
Bore 203.2mm

SGC 500

무심 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


11 Ton

80 Liter



Part Description
Grinding Type Centerless Through Feed (or Infeed)
Workpiece Mounting Workrest Support
Machining Dia. Range 10 to 150
Max. Machining Length Max 500 mm
LOADING Through Feeding (or Infeed)
DRESS Type Traverse Type Point (Multi) Dia’ Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 80 Liter
Outer Dimension 3500 x 2500 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 11 Ton



Part Description
G.W Dresser (Traverse) 0.75 kW AC Servo
G.W Dresser (Feed) 0.75 kW AC Servo
R.W Dresser (Traverse) 0.75 kW AC Servo
G.W Drive 45 (37) kW 4P AC Motor
R.W Drive 3.7 kW 4P (Gear Reducer Type)
G/W SLIDE FEED 3.5 kW AC Servo
R/W SLIDE FEED 0.75 kW AC Servo
Oil Pressure 0.1 kW


Part Description
Dia. 610mm
Width 510mm
Bore 304.8mm


Part Description
Dia. 380mm
Width 510mm
Bore 254mm

SGC 500C

무심 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


11 Ton

80 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type Centerless Through Feed (or Infeed)
Workpiece Mounting Workrest Support
Machining Dia. Range 10 to 150
Max. Machining Length Max 500 mm
LOADING Through Feeding (or Infeed)
DRESS Type Traverse Type Point (Multi) Dia’ Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 80 Liter
Outer Dimension 3500 x 2500 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 11 Ton


Part Description
G.W Dresser (Traverse) 0.75 kW AC Servo
G.W Dresser (Feed) 0.75 kW AC Servo
R.W Dresser (Traverse) 0.75 kW AC Servo
G.W Drive 45 (37) kW 4P AC Motor
R.W Drive 3.7 kW 4P (Gear Reducer Type)
G/W SLIDE FEED 3.5 kW AC Servo
R/W SLIDE FEED 0.75 kW AC Servo
Oil Pressure 0.1 kW


Part Description
Dia. 610mm
Width 510mm
Bore 304.8mm


Part Description
Dia. 380mm
Width 510mm
Bore 254mm

SGC 500K

무심 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


11 Ton



Part Description
Grinding Type Centerless Through Feed (or Infeed)
Workpiece Mounting Workrest Support
Machining Dia. Range 10 to 150
Max. Machining Length Max 500 mm
LOADING Through Feeding (or Infeed)
DRESS Type Traverse Type Point (Multi) Dia’ Dresser
Hydraulic TANK Capacity None
Outer Dimension 3500 x 2600 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 11 Ton


Part Description
G.W Dresser (Traverse) AC Servo 0.75 kW
G.W Dresser (Feed) AC Servo 0.75 kW
R.W Dresser (Traverse) AC Servo 0.75 kW
G.W Drive 45 kW (37 kW) 4P AC Motor
R.W Drive 5.5 (3.7) kW 4P (Gear Reducer Type)
R.W Table (Lower) AC Servo 2.0 kW
R.W Table (Upper) AC Servo 0.75 kW


Part Description
Dia. 610mm
Width 510mm
Bore 304.8mm


Part Description
Dia. 380mm
Width 510mm
Bore 254mm

SGE 400

외경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


4.2 Ton

40 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type NC Controlled Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe & Magnet Chuck
Machining Dia. Range 10 to 65
Machining Width Range 6 to 50
Loader Single or Double Arm Type
Dresser Forming Dresser Spindle
Spindle Angle Range OPTION -6 to +35degree
Grinding Spindle Hydro-Static or Rolling Bearing Type
Spindle Height About LF 1150
Work Spindle RPM 150 to 1800rpm
Grinding Wheel Spindle RPM Max 2,500rpm
Outer Dimension 2100 * 1900 * 1950H
Weight 4.2 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity 40 Liter


Part Description
G.W Table AC SERVO 1.5kw
Dress Table AC SERVO 1.5kw
Spindle Drive 1.5kw 4P AC Motor
G.W (Belt Drive) 11kw 4P AC Motor
G.W (Belt Drive) 0.75kw 4P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5kw 4P AC Motor


Part Description
Dia. 510 (450)mm
Width 450 (510)mm
Bore 304.8mm

SGE 500

외경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


5.5 Ton

40 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type NC Controlled Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe & Magnet Chuck
Machining Dia. Range 20 to 100
Machining Width Range 10 to 50
LOADER Single or Double Arm Type
DRESS Forming Dresser Spindle
Spindle Angle Range OPTION -6 to +35degree
Grinding Spindle Hydro-Static or Roling Bearing Type
Spindle Height About FL 1150
Work Spindle RPM 150 to 1800 rpm
Grinding Wheel Spindle RPM MAX. 2,200 rpm (3,000 m/min)
Outer Dimension 2100 * 1900 * 1950H
Weight 5.5 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity 40 Liter


Part Description
G.W Table AC SERVO 2.5kw
Dress Table AC SERVO 1.5kw
Spindle Drive 1.5kw 4P AC Motor
G.W(Belt Drive) 11kw 4P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 0.75kw 2P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5kw 4P AC Motor


Part Description
Dia. 510mm
Width 50mm
Bore 304.8mm

SGE 600 (W)

외경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


7.0 Ton

80 Liter


Part Description
Grinding Type NC Controlled Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Hydraulic Chuck
Machining Dia. Range 80 to 150
Machining Width Range 10 to 80
LOADER Double Arm Type
DRESS Forming Dresser Spindle
Spindle Angle Range OPTION -6 to +35degree
Grinding Spindle Roling Bearing Type
Spindle Height About FL 1115
Work Spindle RPM MAX 1200 rpm
Grinding Wheel Spindle RPM MAX. 3,100 rpm
Outer Dimension 4000 * 3500 * 1950H
Weight 7.0 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity 80 Liter


Part Description
G.W Table AC SERVO 3.5kw * 2axes
Dress Table AC SERVO 2.0kw
Work Spindle Drive AC SERVO 7.0kw
Loading (Stroke) AC SERVO 1.4kw
Loading (Swing) AC SERVO 1.6kw
G.W (Belt Drive) 37 (22)kw 4P AC Motor
ROLL Dresser 0.75kw 2P AC Motor


Part Description
Dia. 610mm
Width 50mm
Bore 304.8mm

SGI 250/300

내경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


5.0 Ton

40 Liter

* Option High Frequency Grinding Spindle. etc


Part Description
Grinding Type NC Oscillation or Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe & Magnet Chucking
Machining Dia. Range 90 to 220
Machining Width Range 20 to 80
Machining Bore Range 60 to 200
LOADER Cassette Type or ETC
DRESS Type Up-down Type Point (rotary) Diamond Dresser
Spindle Rotating Angle (OPTION : -2 to +3 – degree)
Spindle Height About FL 1050
Work Spindle RPM 220 to 800rpm / 500 to 2,000rpm (Two Speed)
Outer Dimension 2100 * 1900 * 1950H
Weight 5.0 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity 40 Liter


Part Description
Cross Slide AC SERVO 1.5kw
G.W Table AC SERVO 3.0kw
Work Spindle 1.5kw 4P AC Motor
G.W (Belt Drive) 7.5kw 2P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5kw 4P AC Motor

SGI 200 (W)

내경 연삭기

Grinding Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


5.5 Ton

40 Liter

* Option High Frequency Grinding Spindle. Etc


Part Description
Grinding Type NC Oscillation or Plunge
Workpiece Mounting Diaphram Chucking (HYD’Chuck)
Machining Dia. Range 90 to 220
Machining Width Range 20 to 80
Machining Bore Range 60 to 200
LOADER Double Arm Type (SERVO)
DRESS Type Fixed Type Rotary Form Dresser (HYD)
Spindle Rotating Angle ± 1˚ (OPTION : -2 to +30 degree)
Spindle Height About FL 1200 (1000)
Work Spindle RPM Max 4,000 rpm (SERVO)
Outer Dimension 2100 * 1900 * 1950H
Weight 5.5 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity 40 Liter


Part Description
Cross Slide AC SERVO 3.5kw
G.W Table AC SERVO 3.5kw
Work Spindle AC SERVO 7.0kw
G.W High Frequency Spindle
Hydraulic 1.5kw 4P AC Motor



Super Finishing Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Two Shoe + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range O.D PHI 10 to 80 (Bore)
Inner Ring ID 10 to 50
Machining Width Range 8 to 40
Loader Cassette Type
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
Oscillating Speed 150 to 1800 cpm
Spindle RPM Max 3,000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2,200 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1800 x 1000 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 2.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.4 kW AC Servo
Spindle Drive 0.75 kW 4P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor

SSF 85B (D)/150


Super Finishing Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.0 Ton

4.5 bar


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range 25 to 85 (Outer Race)
15 to 60 (Inner Race)
Machining Width Range 6 to 40 (over ID PHI 10)
Loader Index Type
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0~18° / 0~8 mm
Oscillating Speed 50 to 2,500 fpm
Spindle RPM Max 3,000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2,500 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1100 x 1200 x 2000 H (mm)
Weight 2.0 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.37kw 2P AC Motor (R 0.8KW SERVO)
Spindle Drive 2.2kw 2P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 3.7kw 4P AC Motor (BRAKE)

SSF 110


Super Finishing Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range 28 to 110 (Outer Ring)
17 to 90 (Inner Ring)
Machining Width Range Max 50
Loader CLAW Type 2 Direction Traverse
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 10° to 35°
Oscillating Speed 60 to 500 cpm
Spindle RPM 500 to 5000 rpm (Outer Race)
900 to 9000 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1800 x 1760 x 2200 H (mm)
Weight 3.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.4 kW AC Motor
Spindle Drive 0.75 kW 4P AC Motor
Hydraulic 1.5 kW 4P AC Motor

SSF 120


Super Finishing Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.5 Ton

40 Liter


Part Description
Machining Type Osccilating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) / Pressure Roller & 2 Shoe
Machining Dia. Range 15 to 110
15 to 90
Machining Width Range 6 to 65 (Cover ID PHI 10)
Loader Cassette Type
Oscillating Unit Air Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5
Oscillating Speed 300 to 2,000 cpm
Spindle RPM Max 3000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2200 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 40 Liter
Outer Dimension 1800 x 1000 x 1800 H (mm)
Weight 2.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 0.4kw 4P AC Motor
Spindle Drive 1.5kw 4P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 1.5kw 4P AC Motor

SSF 150 (V)


Super Finishing Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


3.5 Ton

4.5 bar


Part Description
Machining Type 2 Head Type Stone Oscillating
Workpiece Mounting Arbor (Socket Ring) + Pressure Roller
Machining Dia. Range 85 to 200 (Outer Race)
70 to 150 (Inner Race)
Machining Width Range 20 to 80
Loader CLAW Type 2 Direction Traverse
Oscillating Unit LM Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0~18° / 0~8 mm
Oscillating Speed 60 to 500 spm
Spindle RPM Max 3,000 rpm (Outer Race)
Max 2,500 rpm (Inner Race)
Hydraulic TANK Capacity 20 Liter
Outer Dimension 2000 x 2300 x 2100 H(mm)
Weight 3.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation Drive 1.5kw SERVO
Spindle Drive 1.5kw 2P AC Motor
Oil Pressure 1.5kw SERVO (Brake)

SLR 650 (500)


Super Finishing Type

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


2.5 Ton




Part Description
Machining Type Thru-feed fully automatic
Workpiece Mounting Support roll & feed roll
(phi 152 x 650L)
Machining Dia. Range 4.5 to 60
Machining Length Range Max 1000
Oscillation Air Bearing Slide
Oscillating Stroke 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
Oscillating Speed 700 to 2,500 fpm
Stone Head Unit Air cylinder Pressurizing type 6~8sets
S/H Pressure 1.0 to 4.0 kgf/cm2
Tilting Angle ± 5°
Swivel Angle ± 2°
Up-Down Stroke 90 mm
Outer Dimension 1600 x 900 x 2100 H (mm)
Weight 2.5 Ton


Part Description
Oscillation 0.6kw 4P AC Motor
Roll Drive 3.7kw 4P AC Motor

SLB 80(120)

CNC 자동 선반

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


3 Ton




Part Description
Machining Dia. Range Max 60 (90)
Machining Width Range Max 40
Center Height F.L 1,010 mm
Control PLC
Hydraulic Chuck Size 6″,8″,9″ (Collet or Mandrel)
Spindle Dia. 80 (120)
Slide #1, #2
Work Spindle Speed Max 2,000 rpm
Slide Size 250 W
Outer Dimension 1200 x 2200 x 1700 H (mm)
Weight 3 Ton



Part Description
W.H 7.5KW 8P
HYD 2.2KW 4P

SLB 80 (120) CNC

CNC 자동 선반

Product Image

Outer Dimension


Hydraulic Tank Capacity


3 Ton



Part Description
Machining Dia. Range Max 60 (90)
Machining Width Range Max 40
Center Height F.L 1,010 mm
Control CNC (Mitsubishi, Fanuc)
Hydraulic Chuck Size 6″,8″,9″ (Collet or Mandrell)
Spindle Dia 80 (120)
Slide #1 or #2
Work Spindle Speed Max 2,000 rpm
Slide Size 300 W
Outer Dimension 1200 * 2200 * 1700H
Weight 3 Ton
Hydraulic Tank Capacity


Part Description
W.H 11KW 6P
HYD 2.2KW 4P